We celebrate our Structure Home Family…
A message from our CEO Robert Kleiman:
Over an amazing span of time, these wonderful people have contributed consistently dedicated service to the work of Structure Home…which is quite a wonderful accomplishment…and a source of great pride and gratitude. We honor and appreciate the work anniversaries and contributions of Jazmin, Karyn, Jeff, Martha and Joaquin…to our team effort every day…facilitating the needs of our clients/team/projects in a thorough, thoughtful and quality way.
As a project manager, Jeff Honigsberg has successfully led the development of several new homes during his 3 years of service at the company. In addition, Jeff brings over 25 years of building experience to the Structure team. Jeff is a builder at heart, passionate about construction and the way homes are assembled. Jeff is always out in front of his projects…to assure schedule momentum and achievement. We sincerely appreciate the growth he has made happen in a relatively short time at Structure Home.
For Jazmin Guzman, June 19th marked her 11-year anniversary! Her constant dedication makes a difference for everyone involved in the company. She provides project support to clients and the entire Structure Home staff by supporting all project accounts payables/receivables, accounting documentation, correspondence and office management. We are so proud to have Jazmin on our team.
12 years of professional service and counting! As one of our most senior Project Managers, Karyn Clark brings a wealth of project experience and knowledge to every project she leads for Structure Home. Karyn is a skillful organizer and great communicator who manages all project requirements with thorough precision. She enhances our client’s experience by being present with her project details, providing consistent reports and information and leading with excellent management experience.
For 15 years we have had the opportunity to work with Martha Trinidad … Martha is responsible for tracking and implementing a variety of tasks along the pre-construction and construction schedules including scheduling on-site testing and reporting, facilitating entitlement/permit processing, utility service coordination, insurance and risk management, project/company administration, and the timely coordination of selections made by clients with our product suppliers. Martha also provides support to the company marketing campaigns and support business development.
We are so thankful to have Joaquin Guzman on our team… His contributions over his 13 years are the building over thirty custom homes and developing his skills as a project leader…with quality and on time completions on a consistent basis. He has demonstrated his abilities as an excellent superintendent and craftsman. His continuous hard work and “can do” attitude make Joaquin a valuable member and asset to the Structure team effort.